« Spiral Jetty », Robert Smithson. Land art : quand l’espace réel devient l’espace artistique / When Real Space Becomes Art Space

Land art emerged in the late 60’s. This contemporary art movement uses real spaces, with their various natural or human components, to support sustainable or ephemeral artistic creation, where real space pertains to the work itself. Early forms of land art emerged in the West of the USA. Some works of Land Art are huge…

Exposition Vues d’en haut / Exhibition Views from above. Centre Pompidou, Metz

Here is an exhibition of Centre Pompidou in Metz which seems specially designed for (e)space&fiction. Views from above considers how an elevated perspective, from aerial photographs or satellite images, has transformed artists’ perception of the world since the mid-nineteenth century. A gold mine of images and ideas we have to visit later in details. L’exposition…

Cartographier livres et oeuvres culturelles / mapping novels and cultural works

We present here two recent French projects of cultural mapping. The first is developed  by the association of libraries of the Ville de Paris. The second named Géoculture, a very ambitious cultural Web and mobile  service with a mapping tool that aim to give access to the cultural works of a region. . Les initiatives…

Edward Hopper / Gail Albert Halaban. Gloucester revisited

The big Grand Palais Hopper’s exhibition in Paris is closing tonight. It is an opportunity to publish a post somewhere between news, spatial machinery and materialization of fiction. The New-York Time magazine  published in July 2012 – and le Monde in September 2012- wrote about the work of the photographer Gail Albert Halaban. In this…

Star Wars Back on Earth / Retour sur terre de la Guerre des étoiles

The dark lens series of the photographer Cédric Delseau (a book at Editions Xavier Barral) is an artistic kind of materialization of fiction. The photographer takes pictures in contemporary urban sites of different countries (France, Dubai …) and add them characters and spaceships from the movie Star Warsby George Lukas. This is not just a collage…

Real Properties: Fake Estates – Matta-Clark

Gordon Matta-Clark was a conceptual artist from the downtown New-York art scene during the 1970s whose work focused on the physical changes affecting New-York during the post-war decades. His work Real Properties : Fake Estates (RPFE) (1973-1974) documents some of these changes and their consequences on the urban fabric of the city. The course of…