Exposition « Montmartre décor de cinéma » au Musée de Montmartre à Paris

Le Musée de Montmartre à Paris accueille du 12 avril 2017 au 14 janvier 2018 l’exposition « Montmartre décor de cinéma » /\ The exhibition « Montmartre décor de cinéma » (Montmartre as a film shooting location) takes place at the Museum of Montmartre between 12 April 2017 and 14 January 2018.

Citation : « Si seulement Bergotte les eût décrits dans un de ses livres »

Aller aux Champs-Élysées me fut insupportable. Si seulement Bergotte les eût décrits dans un de ses livres, sans doute j’aurais désiré de les connaître, comme toutes les choses dont on avait commencé par mettre le «double» dans mon imagination. Elle les réchauffait, les faisait vivre, leur donnait une personnalité, et je voulais les retrouver dans…

The Big Bang Theory et sa photo de mariage par satellite / TBBT Wedding Picture by Satellite

Les fans de TBBT (The Big Bang Theory) savent que le mariage de Howard et Bernadette est organisée en fonction du passage du satellite de Google. La séquence offre d’autres révélations inattendues. /\ TBBT (The Big Bang Theory)’s fans all know that Howard and Bernadette’s marriage is arranged in relation with Google Satellite’s trajectory.

« Paysages in situ ». Où se trouvait l’artiste ? / Where Was the Artist ?

Here are a game and a smartphone application proposed by the CAUE of Isère.  The goal is to find the exact location where the artist was standing when he painted or photographed a scenery shown in the works of several museums of Dauphiné. Then people are invited to produce  replicas of the work from this…

Promenade littéraire au Havre / Literary Tour of Le Havre

The city of Le Havre (France) has now its literary tour map. Drawing on the work of Bertrand Westphal on Geocriticism, Sonia Anton, professor of literature at the University of Le Havre, has developed a literary tour of the city through 20 places evoked by famous writers like Jean-Paul Sartre and Honoré de Balzac. This…

TARDIS's control room / Salle de contrôle du TARDIS

Doctor Who’s TARDIS in Google Street View

Quand la Google car a parcouru Earl’s Court Road, à Londre, elle surpris le TARDIS, célèbre machine à voyager dans le temps et l’espace, aux allures de « Police Box », utilisée par le Doctor Who. /\ When the Google car mapped Short Earl’s Court Road, London, it caught the TARDIS, famous Doctor Who’s time machine and spacecraft, which looks like a Police Box.

Metropolis : Superman and Lois Lane statues / Les statues de Superman et Lois Lane

Rocky, Yoda or The Little Prince are not the only fictional characters who have been materialized. Superman and Lois Lane have also their own materialization. Even if Metropolis, the  city where Superman lives is fictional, a city in Illinois has the same name and beyond this resemblance, the city host… Superman and Lois Lane! Rocky, Yoda…

Edward Hopper / Gail Albert Halaban. Gloucester revisited

The big Grand Palais Hopper’s exhibition in Paris is closing tonight. It is an opportunity to publish a post somewhere between news, spatial machinery and materialization of fiction. The New-York Time magazine  published in July 2012 – and le Monde in September 2012- wrote about the work of the photographer Gail Albert Halaban. In this…

Les lieux clichés du cinéma

[Ajouté le 20/01/2013 : en empruntant sans le créditer la quasi-totalité du contenu de ce site original (pratique condamnable, voir le premier commentaire à ce billet) ], Contre-champ, le magazine documentaire vidéo du Monde.fr sur Dailymotion consacré au cinéma, note que les cinéastes tournent toujours aux même endroits ce qui fait que des lieux réels…

Star Wars : No materialization for the Death Star / Pas de matérialisation pour l’Étoile Noire

The U.S. administration has given its answer: there will be no replica of the famous Star Wars space station, in spite of the petition which had gathered nearly 35,000 signatures. The Death Star will not join Yoda in our collection of  materializations of Star Wars fiction … Too bad ! (?) L’administration américaine a donné sa…

Star Wars Back on Earth / Retour sur terre de la Guerre des étoiles

The dark lens series of the photographer Cédric Delseau (a book at Editions Xavier Barral) is an artistic kind of materialization of fiction. The photographer takes pictures in contemporary urban sites of different countries (France, Dubai …) and add them characters and spaceships from the movie Star Warsby George Lukas. This is not just a collage…

Le Café des Délices – Bruel

After Carthage Salammbô, the TGM (Tunis-Goulette-Marsa) train arrives at Sidi Bou Said station. There is in the village another materialization of fiction, in a minor way compared to Salammbô, more in line with the sky blue house of Le Forestier. The famous song Le café des délices sung by the French singer and actor Patrick…

Antoine, the Little Prince is back! / Le Petit Prince revient!

The Little Prince created by Saint-Exupery has become a universal character. Translated into more than 200 languages, the poetic and philosophical tale written by the French aviator touches the hearts of people all around the world. Were you aware he left his planet to materialize on the Earth ? Do you want to know where and…

The Rocky Balboa statue / La statue de Rocky Balboa

The stairs in front of the Philadelphia Museum of Art are very famous as the training ground of  Rocky Balboa, in the 1976 movie Rocky, directed by John G. Avildsen. The stairs appear successively in Rocky II (directed by Sylverster Stallone in 1979), Rocky III (Sylverster Stallone, 1985), Rocky V (John G. Avildsen, 1990) and…

The cell of Edmond Dantès/Le cachot d’Edmond Dantès, Château d’If – Marseille

As a first example of a local materialization of fiction, we present the cell of Edmond Dantès in the Chateau d’If, near Marseille and, more specifically, the tunnel that this character of  the Count of Monte-Christo, novel by Alexandre Dumas, would have made to get Abbé Faria, his prison companion. Le premier exemple de matérialisation…