Exposition « Montmartre décor de cinéma » au Musée de Montmartre à Paris

Le Musée de Montmartre à Paris accueille du 12 avril 2017 au 14 janvier 2018 l’exposition « Montmartre décor de cinéma » /\ The exhibition « Montmartre décor de cinéma » (Montmartre as a film shooting location) takes place at the Museum of Montmartre between 12 April 2017 and 14 January 2018.

Tout en haut du monde (Rémi Chayé)

Tout en haut du monde est un film d’animation réalisé par Rémi Chayé qui relate l’aventure d’une jeune fille russe partie à la recherche de son grand-père disparu pendant une expédition vers le pôle Nord à la fin du XIXe siècle.Les cartes y jouent un rôle central. /\ Tout en haut du monde is an animated film directed by Rémi Chayé, that tells the adventure of a Russian girl in search of her grandfather that disappeared during an expedition towards the North Pole at the end of the 19th century. Maps play a central role in the film.

Ward de Frédéric Werst : le pays imaginaire des Wards/ Ward by Frédéric Werst : the imaginary country of Wards

Ward Ie-IIe siècle et  Ward IIIe siècle are two books by French author Frédéric Werst, published respectively in 2011 and 2014. Born in 1970, Frédéric Werst is associate letters. He teaches in a high school in Paris. « By love of literature », the author has invented a new language, Wardwesân, rich more than 10,000 words. This…

Quiz 2 Answer / Réponse

The mysterious tool of the Quiz # 2 is a wire that John (Kieffer Sutherland)  made for his sun to visually measure the progressive enlargement of the planet Melancholia that is approaching Earth. It is an archaic version of the telescope also used in the movie and it symbolize in some way the regression to…

Invisible Target – Benny Chan

Invisible Target is a 2007 Hong-Kong action movie directed by Benny Chan. Three police officers join their forces together to fight  a mafioso organization. The main spatial machinery is a phone localization in order to identify his owner. Invisible Target est un film d’action hongkongais réalisé par Benny Chan et sorti en salles en 2007.…

Synecdoche NewYork – Kaufmann

In Synecdoche, the first film he directed, Charlie Kaufman offers us a crazy game based on the impossible paradox of the perfect representation of reality. Caden Cotard (Philip Seymour Hoffman) is a depressive and hypochondriac theater director. He wants to create the absolute play by putting on stage an exact and faithful reproduction of his…

Village of the damned / Le village des damnés – Rilla

Village of the damned is a 1960 movie directed by Wolf Rilla. It is an adaptation of John Wyndham’s science fiction novel, The Midwich Cuckoos. All inhabitants and animals of Midwich, UK, fall unconscious for several hours. Anyone entering in a perimeter around the village loses consciousness too. A few months later, all women and…

L’Île aux fleurs / Ilha das Flores – Furtado

Isle of Flowers is a 1989 Brazilian short film by Jorge Furtado about globalization.You can watch it (12 min) on line. Here are the part one and the part two in English). The film starts with a spinning globe and the next shot focuses on a field of tomatoes. A voice  locates the action very…

Balkis Island, une cartographie imaginaire

Created in collaboration between Yona Friedman, a theoretician of architecture and Jean-Baptiste Decavèle, a photographer and a videographer, this exhibition transposed the fictitious geography of an island situated in the far north of Canada to the middle of the Lake of Vassivière in Limousin. Visitors were invited to discover the mapping of the imaginary Balkis…

Predator – McTierman

Predator is a 1987 movie directed by John McTiernan. In Val Verde, a country bordering Guatemala, a joint task force, led by Major Alan « Dutch » Schaefer (Arnold Schwarzenegger), is assigned to rescue hostages in the jungle. The group is hunted by an extraterrestrial creature: the Predator. Two spatial machineries appear in the movie. One is…

Grey Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood/Le Loup gris et le Petit Chaperon rouge – Bardine

Garri Bardine is a Russian animation director. In 1990 he created Grey Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood (Russian:  » Серый волк энд Красная Шапочка, Krasnaya Chapotchka seriy Volk i »), a claymation film. The movie was  adapted from the famous children’s story Little Red Riding Hood as a musical. Living in Moscow, the mother of…

Polichinelle mouillé, le tueur du métro – Fajardie

« Who is the murderer of the subway? Who is this man who pushes innocents under the train? And who are its victims? » Such is the plot of the thriller written by Frederic H. Fajardie in 1982. Police inspector Padovani (recurring character in the work of Fajardie) investigates. During a briefing with his staff, he says:…

Mercury Rising/Code Mercury – Becker

Mercury Rising is a movie  released in 1998 and directed by Harold Becker. In this film, the character played by Bruce Willis protects an autistic child who threatens the national security of the United States by deciphering « Mercury », the most advanced and expensive encryption algorithm developed ever. In an early scene, we see the young…

Movements detector in Alien / Le détecteur de mouvements dans Alien

In Alien, the Ridley Scott’s movie, the science officer Ash designs a tracking device to detect moving objects. By this way, the Nostromo’s crew hopes to locate and eliminate the « 8th Passenger » that is hidden in the ventilation ductwork. Dans Alien de Ridley Scott, Ash, l’officier scientifique, conçoit un détecteur permettant de repérer les objets…

Tintin Locates the Unicorn / Tintin localise la Licorne

A systematic inventory of maps in The Adventures of Tintin has still to be be done, but, surprising though it might seem, the reporter and globetrotter does not use maps very often. Take just one example : the Red Rackham’s Treasure album, that Steven Spielberg is adapting for the cinema. No map is shown in…

Up in the Air / (en suspens)

Up in the Air, a film by Jason Reitman (2009), is full of various spatial arrangements. The film itself is built as an erratic journey throughout the United States : Detroit, Michigan, Omaha, Nebraska, Las Vegas, Nevada, Florida, Wisconsin, Chicago… It is also a subtle evocation of the spatial dimension of  personal, family and work…

Call of Duty 4

Suggestion proposed by Simon in this comment. The Video Game Call of Duty 4 is literally peppered with spatial features, since many mission briefings are integrally presented with military graphic animations – maps, satellite images, troop movements … » Any supplementary information is welcome. Suggestion proposée par Simon dans ce commentaire. Le jeu Call of Duty…