Exposition « Montmartre décor de cinéma » au Musée de Montmartre à Paris

Le Musée de Montmartre à Paris accueille du 12 avril 2017 au 14 janvier 2018 l’exposition « Montmartre décor de cinéma » /\ The exhibition « Montmartre décor de cinéma » (Montmartre as a film shooting location) takes place at the Museum of Montmartre between 12 April 2017 and 14 January 2018.

« Paysages in situ ». Où se trouvait l’artiste ? / Where Was the Artist ?

Here are a game and a smartphone application proposed by the CAUE of Isère.  The goal is to find the exact location where the artist was standing when he painted or photographed a scenery shown in the works of several museums of Dauphiné. Then people are invited to produce  replicas of the work from this…

Ward de Frédéric Werst : le pays imaginaire des Wards/ Ward by Frédéric Werst : the imaginary country of Wards

Ward Ie-IIe siècle et  Ward IIIe siècle are two books by French author Frédéric Werst, published respectively in 2011 and 2014. Born in 1970, Frédéric Werst is associate letters. He teaches in a high school in Paris. « By love of literature », the author has invented a new language, Wardwesân, rich more than 10,000 words. This…

« Jeux vidéo l’EXPO » à la Cité Universcience à Paris/Exhibition « Jeux vidéo l’EXPO » at Cité Universcience in Paris

Between 22 October 2013 and 24 August 2014, the Cité Universcience (Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie) offers exhibition « Jeu vidéo l’EXPO » on a surface of 1000 m². This is the first major exhibition in France on video games, bringing their world a renewed look. Entre le 22 octobre 2013 et le 24 août 2014,…

« Spiral Jetty », Robert Smithson. Land art : quand l’espace réel devient l’espace artistique / When Real Space Becomes Art Space

Land art emerged in the late 60’s. This contemporary art movement uses real spaces, with their various natural or human components, to support sustainable or ephemeral artistic creation, where real space pertains to the work itself. Early forms of land art emerged in the West of the USA. Some works of Land Art are huge…

Immortel (ad Vitam) : les espaces d’une dictature à New-York en 2095/ New York dictatorship’s space in 2095

« Immortel (Ad Vitam) » is a French sci-fi movie directed in 2004 by Enki Bilal, designer of world famous comics. It is one of three films directed by Enki Bilal, all directly inspired by his works, the atmosphere that emerges and their imaginary geographies. The stories all take place in a more or less distant future,…

Exposition « Pasolini Roma » à la Cinémathèque française /Exhibition « Pasolini Roma » at the Cinémathèque française

From 16 October 2013 to 26 January 2014,  the exhibition « Pasolini Roma » holds at the Cinémathèque française  in Paris. This exhibition proposes six sections  corresponding to different periods of Pasolini’s life, especially in Roma, which was both the place where he lived from 1950 to his death in 1975, and the place where he made…

Exposition « MAPPAMUNDI. Art et Cartographie », Toulon/ Exhibition « MAPPAMUNDI. Art & Cartography »

From 16 March to 12 May 2013, hold at the Hotel des Arts in Toulon, the exhibition « Mappamundi. Art & Cartography ». This exhibition proposed to address the many and multiple links between arts and mapping through twenty six major artists who have « worked the map and questioned mapping » for forty years. Du 16 mars au…

L’univers des villes pour Jacques Demy/ The World of Cities for Jacques Demy

The exhibition « Le monde enchanté de Jacques Demy«  which takes place from April 10 to August 8, 2013 at the Cinemathèque française in Paris, offers the opportunity to see closely the world of cities of this French filmmaker, who died in 1990. Jacques Demy, close to the « Nouvelle vague« , was a producer, but also a screenwriter,…

L’île d’Hashima est visible sur GoogleStreetView/ Hishima island is visible on GoogleStreetView

The Cubic site has relayed the announcement by Google that Hashima (or « Battleship ») Island is now visible on GoogleStreetView. The Hashima island is an old mine in the Japanese archipelago, located off Nagasaki, which was abandoned in 1974. Since that time no regular human activity takes place there. However the island has served as decor…

Exposition Vues d’en haut / Exhibition Views from above. Centre Pompidou, Metz

Here is an exhibition of Centre Pompidou in Metz which seems specially designed for (e)space&fiction. Views from above considers how an elevated perspective, from aerial photographs or satellite images, has transformed artists’ perception of the world since the mid-nineteenth century. A gold mine of images and ideas we have to visit later in details. L’exposition…

L’Enfer, Clouzot : Places and Spaces of an Extraordinary Project / Lieux et espaces d’un projet extraordinaire

L’Enfer is a 2009 film directed by Serge Bromberg based on rushes of the unfinished film by Henri Georges Clouzot. Started in 1964, the project was never finished, due particularly to the director’s serious heart problems. Between 1964 and 2009, this film became a legend, based on the fact that it was never completed and…

Star Wars Back on Earth / Retour sur terre de la Guerre des étoiles

The dark lens series of the photographer Cédric Delseau (a book at Editions Xavier Barral) is an artistic kind of materialization of fiction. The photographer takes pictures in contemporary urban sites of different countries (France, Dubai …) and add them characters and spaceships from the movie Star Warsby George Lukas. This is not just a collage…

Real Properties: Fake Estates – Matta-Clark

Gordon Matta-Clark was a conceptual artist from the downtown New-York art scene during the 1970s whose work focused on the physical changes affecting New-York during the post-war decades. His work Real Properties : Fake Estates (RPFE) (1973-1974) documents some of these changes and their consequences on the urban fabric of the city. The course of…